Wednesday, December 17, 2008

trip to the village

So we took a trip into the village... the village being a restaurant on the second floor of a shopping mall that was decorated as a village in India. The restaurant had different foods from all over India, and all of the staff were dressed like villagers. Needless to say... it was an interesting experience.

Here we are next to some cattle cart at the entrance. The guys working were so very nice enough to let us borrow their sweat ridden cap-turbans to pose with.

I actually got a job while I was here driving loads of something (not important to the story) around Mumbai. I got 100 rupees a day ($2)

And here is Pooja contemplating which vat of food to fill her plate with. As for me, I went suicide-style and mixed a little of everything

Here is one of the 'villagers' serenading us with a tune. I asked for my heart will go on, but that wasn't in the play book.

You know when people secretly go up at a restaurant and tell the staff it's your birthday? Well that happened, except instead of birthday it was these two got hitched, let embarrass them! We were then called to the middle of the floor, where we were encouraged to dance dance! As you can see, I got to wear another hat.

Here is a video of the music:

Another fun part about the village are the 5 rupee movie picture shows. Give this guy 5 rupees and he will rotate a stick that moves pictures on the inside.

At 9:30, don't be late for the Rajasthani puppet show!. This dialogue free puppet show is sure to be a hit for the entire family.

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